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I should be really grateful of my life. I live a comfortable life. I'm not rich, but also not poor. I can afford meals 3 times a day, even more. I have a roof on top of my head; I live in a rented room. I have a nice bed to sleep; not my favorite but it's still cozy. I even have a TV. And of course I have a computer and internet connection, otherwise I couldn't write this blog. My room is really warm in the summer because it's in the attic, and lots of bugs hijack my bed during a warm day. But at least I have a roof on top of my head, and I can still live comfortably. I should also be thankful of the job that I have. I do 9-to-5 job as an IT engineer in a big firm. I'm not in a high position though, but the pay is still alright to afford all my expenses. After all, I don't live a jet set life. I use public transportation to travel to work everyday. I don't eat out regularly, and when I do I don't really go to fancy restaurants or cafes. I don't own f...

Takdir sebagai tukang ngoding?

Hidup memang penuh misteri. Saya suka komputer. Orang tua saya suka bilang ke saya kalau saya suka utak-atik (baca: bikin rusak) komputer di rumah saat saya TK. Waktu itu komputer rumah saya masih yang menggunakan monitor CRT dan CPU yang dapat membaca disket 5 1/4 dengan sistem operasi Windows 3.1. Saya telah mahir menggunakan Lotus 123 (MS Excel belum sepopuler sekarang) dan bermain Chip's Challenge saat saya SD kelas 2. SD kelas 6 saya pernah mencoba merakit komputer sendiri. Saya juga saat itu sering membeli majalah komputer, seperti Komputeraktif dan PC Media , dan mencoba tips dan trik yang suka dibahas dalam majalah tersebut. Namun, tidak ada dalam pikiran saya saat itu kalau saya akan berkarir dalam dunia IT. Saya saat itu merasa gaya hidup dan taste saya tidak sesuai dengan stereotipe anak IT. Yang saya bayangkan saat itu, anak IT kalau bukan: (1) penggemar game online seperti Counter Strike, Dota, Ragnarok dll., (2) penggemar hal-hal berbau Jepang, atau dalam istilah ...